Identifying ‘Stress Times’ As You Decide To Quit Smoking

Identifying ‘Stress Times’ As You Decide To Quit Smoking

Hi there! In our previous entries, we have already established the fact that smoking cessation is a step-by-step process, which also means that there are certain challenges you have to meet along the way to test your will to quit.

The fact of the matter is, smoking is just not about nicotine addiction because the mind is also affected in such a way that it is susceptible to these moments called “high-risk situations” or “stress times”.

So we suggest that you continue reading this article as we are going to tackle these circumstances so you can anticipate and deal with them in a better way.


What Are ‘Stress Times’?

In simple words, these are situations where your cravings tend to intensify because the physical body is still under the influence of nicotine addiction and the mind is often associating these moments with the act of smoking.

Stress times are triggering moments that you need to face as you undergo the process of smoking cessation. In other words, it is a test of will and how strong is your mind to yield to your cravings.


What Situations Can Be Classified As Stress Times?

Drinking Coffee – Smokers say that drinking coffee is best paired with a stick of cigarette. So it’s not a surprise that you want to light up a smoke during your taking a coffee break.

Finishing A Meal – Just like desserts, cigarettes have a way of satisfying the appetite after every meal. And so quitters will likely face the ordeal of wanting to smoke after having lunch or dinner.

Driving A Car – Smoking helps a person feel calmed while facing traffic on the road. That’s why you feel the desire to smoke every time you drive.

Social Events – Parties and social gatherings are also triggers as you’ll likely to meet persons who smoke. And the urge will build up as you are drinking alcohol.

Stressful Situations – As previously stated, smoking has a calming effect. That’s why you’ll likely want to have it when feeling anxious and under stress.


What Strategies Can You Do Effective Deal With Stress Times?

  1. If you have the habit of smoking while drinking a cup of Joe, then try to have your coffee at a place where smoking is prohibited.smoking cesation identifying stress times decide quit smoking
  2. If you’re used to smoking after every meal, then get up the table immediately and do something that will keep your hands busy such as brushing your teeth.
  3. If you smoked while driving, then try to go on a different route to keep your mind occupied and prevent yourself from going autopilot.
  4. If you’re stressed, then use a stress ball to keep your hands busy. Otherwise, try to engage in physical activities as this will be the most challenging trigger you have to face as you decide to quit smoking.
  5. And finally, too much free time is never a good thing when quitting smoking. So make it a point to stay busy as much a possible right from the start.

Overcome your bad habits effectively by trying out Dr. Jud’s CravingtoQuit app. Double up your chances of quitting by visiting his site today.

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